ISBN : 9782343208862
EAN PDF : 9782140163050
Éditeur : Harmattan Hongrie
Nombre de pages : 458
Date : 11- 2020
Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism 2 - Mongolian Buddhism in Practice
Mongolian Buddhism in Practice
Agnes Britalan, Krisztina Teleki, Judit Béres
Mongolian Buddhism is an important historical and cultural phenomenon that is inseparable from Mongolian identity, and many aspects of "Mongolness" cannot be understood without knowing the Buddhist practice in detail in both diachronic and synchronich perspectives.
The second volume of the series "Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism" follows in many respects the features of the first volume: "Aspects of Mongolian Buddhism 1. Past, Present and Future". In the present publication we offer a series of articles dedicated to textual tradition, rituals, holy masters, the historical and political role of Buddhism among the Mongols, etc. Besides, the readers can get an insight into the methodological framework of various institutes, and independent scholars studying these fields.