ISBN : 9782343062440

EAN PDF : 9782336375878

EAN ePUB : 9782336725987

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 102

Date : 4- 2015

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Confessions from the Couch - Psychoanalytical notions illustrated with extracts from sessions

Psychoanalytical notions illustrated with extracts from sessions

Valérie Blanco - Translated by Jane Hodgson-McCrohan

The unconscious ? The Oedipus complex ? The castration complex ? Neurosis ? The objet a ? What are they ? And what does one say to an analyst ? What happens during an analysis ? For those asking questions about psychoanalysis, Confessions from the Couch gives clear and simple answers. The principal psychoanalytical notions, both Freudian and Lacanian, are explained and illustrated with chosen extracts from actual analytical sessions. (Traduction en anglais de Dits de divan, Notions de psychanalyse illustrées d'extraits de séances).

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