ISBN : 9782296546493

EAN PDF : 9782296460652

EAN ePUB : 9782296806160

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 220

Date : 6- 2011

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Country called Somalia: Culture, Language and Society of a Vanishing State

Maria Frascarelli

This book comprises papers dealing with a number of subjects that can provide a comprehensive picture of a life-time project and concern. In particular, Section I is concerned with "Linguistic investigations and comparative issues": the link between naming system and social organization, the semantic values of the imperfective aspect, the morphosyntactic properties of relative clauses and determiners, phonological analysis and related theoretical considerations. The authors of Section II ("Essays on society and culture"), on the other hand, concentrate on diverse subjects, such as children's games, law and tradition, the social role of Somali women with respect to feminist values and immigration problems, teaching and transcultural drawbacks.

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