ISBN : 9782343199535

EAN PDF : 9782140146138

EAN ePUB : 9782336896885

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 180

Date : 4- 2020

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Desert passions. Short stories

Zakiyatou Oualett Halatine - Preface by Anne Husebekk - Introduction and translation by Patricia W. Cummins and Michelle Elcoat Poulton

This collection is an inward look at the people, their environment, their practices and beliefs. It brings together all dimensions of the Sahara, one of the greatest deserts in the world. It introduces the notion of Ehaf, a social link between women, men and nature, highly demanding in the responsibilities it dictates for people's lives. Through these stories, which magnify the women, the living inhabitants, and the scenery of the Timbuktu region, the book reveals the passions in the Sahara, which, like a garden, bloom in the desert.

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