ISBN : 9782343215792
EAN PDF : 9782140162800
EAN ePUB : 9782336913551
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Harmattan Burkina Faso
Nombre de pages : 156
Date : 11- 2020
Language and Underdevelopment - The case of Burkina Faso
The case of Burkina Faso
Alain Noindonmon Hien
Although language plays a key role in national development, African languages are still seen as less important for the development of African nations. This book examines the linguistic situation and the language policy of Burkina Faso and argues that most of the problems faced by (young) Burkinabè are caused by the language policy of their country, a language policy that forces them to be educated in a language they haven't mastered. The author proposes a new language policy which could help improve education and the development of Burkina Faso.