ISBN : 9782343220000

EAN PDF : 9782140165917

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 136

Date : 12- 2020

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

The Voice of the Soul - Chronicles of an Invitation to Life - Volume 7

Chronicles of an Invitation to Life

Yvonne Trubert

The Voice of the Soul is the seventh volume of interviews given by Yvonne Trubert for the Book of Invitation to Life, the journal of the eponymous association. Through themes such as The Labor of the Earth, The Father, Dreams, The Old Testament, Love One Another, Prisons, Faults and Virtues,Yvonne Trubert proposes following a path of inner transformation. Inviting us to an encounter with ourselves and others, she encourages us to conversion, meaning to change our state of mind, so that love and joy become the external signs of faith.

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