01394nlm0 22002171i 450 001001200000006001900012007001500031008004100046020001800087040000800105100002500113245022800138260001200366260003000378300001100408520039200419856009300811856009600904856009601000856008001096HARMA 59255m g0 d cr mn ---auama250202c go d fre  a9782343144436 bfre0 aMichel Innocent Peya aThe Blue Fund - Mechanism of financing and management of the Congo Basin for the protection of the global environmentbMechanism of financing and management of the Congo Basin for the protection of the global environment -  aParis : bEditions L'Harmattan a236 p. aThis book is about the Blue Fund Program, created at the inititive of the African head of States, with the purpose of protecting the Congo Basin against climate warming. It explains the opportunities initiated and the challenges this project will face. The book constitutes a true advocacy for the preservation of the Congo Basin, that needs the support of world leaders and influencers.40uhttps://www.editions-harmattan.fr/catalogue/couv/9782343144436r.jpg2Image de couverture40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/downloadebook/97823431444362Télécharger le livre au format PDF40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/downloadepub/97823431444362Télécharger le livre au format epub40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/readebook/97823431444362Lire ce livre en ligne